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You Can Make Change Possible!

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"A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions and the roots spring up and make new trees" ~Amelia Earhart~

Friends of Children works every day with children and young adults in and aging out of the juvenile justice system. Each child/young adult we work with has a volunteer or mentor dedicated to their health and well-being.

Your donation makes change possible and because of you:

  • When a CASA volunteer is appointed by the court to provide some independent oversight around whether all parties involved (school, lawyers, family, etc) are providing the child with what they need, the CASA volunteer is the only party involved that centers and advocates solely for the best interest of the child.
  • Change is possible for a young adult through a FOCUS mentor. A mentor's commitment and patience allow the time for a young adult to build trust and a relationship with another human being, something that is lacking in their lives.
  • Our financial fitness series can change the life of a young adult. Working with their mentor, this series provides structure and a path to becoming financially responsible. Friends of Children match monies these FOCUS young adults save as part of this process.
  • Our Foster Dignity can provide a new backpack for school, enrollment in an afterschool program, clothes for a job interview, etc. Leveling the playing field a little for children and young adults who often feel like outsiders.

You can impact a child or young adult through your donation. We hope you will join us in this incredible and vital work.

Thank you from all of us at Friends of Children.